Movie Review: Captain Marvel

**Spoilers ahead** Originally I wanted to go see Captain Marvel with my sister and her husband, we always try to go together to see all the big movies we're excited about, but we just couldn't get our schedules together this time. I was already heading to the mall to pick out a few things for … Continue reading Movie Review: Captain Marvel

Best Solstice Ever!

Originally posted to Patreon: July 1st, 2017 So usually I don't pay too close attention to the season solstice (...solstice's?), but as I've been learning more about Celtic mythology and Irish history I've been a bit more aware at least. Because of this, I was actually bummed that it was the summer solstice today. Mostly … Continue reading Best Solstice Ever!

Dictionary Writings: Lead

lead (verb) - to go before or with to show the way; conduct or escort A while after writing the poem Waterfall, I sat down to write a random Dictionary Writing. I opened my pocket dictionary to the word lead and ended up expanding on the poem I wrote before. Two children walked through the … Continue reading Dictionary Writings: Lead

Dictionary Writings: Brevity

Continued from Dictionary Writings -Eternize Reading this story from the start here! Brevity – noun - shortness of time; briefness - the quality of expressing much in a few words; terseness As they walked on Evelyn's hand twitched as she went over her short good-bye with her sister. Marie truly believed they would be reunited … Continue reading Dictionary Writings: Brevity

Travel Blog: Guns ‘N Roses In Slane

Originally posted to Patreon: June 3rd, 2017 I have been listening to Guns 'N Roses for my entire life, and have been a fan for as long as I can remember. Once I started earning my own money I went and bought up all their albums that were out at the time instead of just … Continue reading Travel Blog: Guns ‘N Roses In Slane

Book Review: A Court Of Frost And Starlight

This is probably the fastest that I've read though a novel in a good while now. To be fair, it's a pretty quick read and it doesn't have a whole lot of plot. It's basically a Christmas filler episode, but I had a lot of fun with it. A Court Of Frost And Starlight read … Continue reading Book Review: A Court Of Frost And Starlight

Scribbler Unboxing – March

NEW BOX! Atreyu is unimpressed and thinks I'm being annoying, but NEW BOX!! Ooohh!! I didn't realize Scribbler was so young. It's such a well put together box that I kind of just assumed it had been around for a few years at least. Kudos to the people behind it for doing such an awesome … Continue reading Scribbler Unboxing – March

Currently Reading: A Court Of Frost And Starlight

Finally picking this up! I meant to buy myself a copy as soon as it came out. I read the first book not long after it came out and then the next two right as they were released and meant to get this on release day, but just DIDN'T, but I have it now. I … Continue reading Currently Reading: A Court Of Frost And Starlight