Dictionary Writings: Schism

Schism – A division or disunion, especially into mutually opposed parties.

It made sense: splitting the party. Half the group would go back to look for survivors, the others would hurry ahead to stop the enemies attack. Each member of the group volunteered for whichever direction they felt was right.

They all knew it would be impossible for one group the accomplish both tasks. There was an intent for the groups to meet up again. The group going ahead would wait for the others to catch up. However, Evelyn didn’t believe they would.

Even before this duel-conflict presented itself she had felt a schism in the group. The Fighters and The Protectors she called them. The Fighters were the ones that marched ahead and toppled the enemies as they were found. It was tanks to them that the group had made it this far, but too many of them were anxious to keep moving. If they did wait it wouldn’t be for long. And then The Protectors, the ones that kept much of the group alive all this time. Without their help the group would be far fewer. Sure the resources were low, but everyone managed to find a role that suited them and helped the unity of the group.

Together the group was near invincible. The eclectic mix of individuals allowed them to navigate their way through any hardship. Their strength allowed them to defeat every enemy that came their way. Their unity kept them sane.

Divided, would they survive for long? Would one or both die out?

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