Currently Reading: A Court Of Frost And Starlight

a court of frost and starlight

Finally picking this up! I meant to buy myself a copy as soon as it came out. I read the first book not long after it came out and then the next two right as they were released and meant to get this on release day, but just DIDN’T, but I have it now.

I got hooked on A Court Of Thorns And Roses and while I saw online in a few places people had issues with the first book (which are totally founded and are intentional and if you read the second book you’ll get it), I just adored it. Yeah, Tamlin is a royal ass and I never really liked him, honestly, I’m in this for Lucian. I just want good things for him. I want him to realize Tamlin is just not a good friend and is very toxic and he should just stop trying, and I want Elain to love him, but it seems like their status is just going to be “it’s complicated for a while” which I GET, BUT PLEASE JUST GIVE ME THE FLUFF.

Now, Sarah J Maas does go pretty heavy on the sex scenes. People are horny ALL the damn time, and if that’s your thing COOL. But, I’m just here like, can we please move on. I think the characters in this book would just ERROR 404 and break if an Ace character showed up. I love the fluff, all the sweet little cuddly bits, I don’t need to know that Rhys eats Feyre’s ass. That seems a bit TMI.

Because this is a novella and it’s just 3.1 in the series, not actually book 4, I’m not expecting a whole lot. Just a bit of fun and some character development. And it takes place during the winter solstice. Guys, IT’S A CHRISTMAS EPISODE!!! I think the next book coming out is 3.2 in the series, and honestly, if it’s a beach episode my little otaku heart will lose it because this series will just be anime in my head from that point on.

So far I’m having fun with this series, but I hope there’s more Lucian soon (preferably something fluffy with Elain) and also WHAT IS UP WITH NESTA!?!

Happy Reading
Slán go foill

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