Dictionary Writings: Lead

lead (verb) – to go before or with to show the way; conduct or escort

A while after writing the poem Waterfall, I sat down to write a random Dictionary Writing. I opened my pocket dictionary to the word lead and ended up expanding on the poem I wrote before.

Two children walked through the forest together. One leading the other. The little boy, no older than eight, was coaxing the five year old girl behind him to move faster.

“I want to go home.” She cried.

“We will,” the boy answered, “but I need to show you this first.”

“They walked on until they came to a cliff that over looked a small river and a waterfall cascading down to their left. It was getting dark and the canopy of trees above them didn’t help the situation very much. They each had to be careful as they climbed down the cliff at the least steapest side.

Eventually the two friends made it to the waterfall, where the boy stopped for a moment.

“Pretty!” The girl exclaimed, “now lets go home.”

“But I still haven’t shown you the best part yet!” He replied and then jumped through the waterfall, startling his companion. Just as she began to worry the boys hand reached out from behind the water, signiling for her to follow. After a few small nervous steps she grabbed ahold of the boy’s hand. He then pulled her towards him and they looked down the dark cavern ahead of them. But there were some trees and a glowing light coming from the other side. Wanting to get out of the dark, the girl began to run towards it. The boy only a few steps behind her.

The girl sprinted into the opening and all of the light instantly vanished. She stood surprised as the boy came up behind her, smiling, and told her to wait. After a few silent moments the light began to come back. On-by-one, small and colorful bits of light seemed to crawl out of every pore of the meadow,

“Faeries!” The young girl gasped as she tunred to the boy and embrassed him around his neck, her toes barely touching the ground beneath her. “Thank you!”

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