Book Review: Dread Nation by Justina Ireland

My copy of Dread Nation in my hand I sorely regret not having the sequel on hand because I want nothing more right now than to immediately jump into reading it. Dread Nation is incredible! Quick summary: Jane is a student at Miss Preston's, a boarding school where black girls learn to become Attendants, basically … Continue reading Book Review: Dread Nation by Justina Ireland

Nature Blog: Wool Sower Gall Wasp or Callirhytis Seminator Wasp

A few weeks ago, after mid-May, I went on a guided walk along part of the D&H Rail Trail in Sullivan County, NY. It's an historic area and we learned a bunch about the train line that used to be there. It's also right along the water and just flush with all sorts of life. … Continue reading Nature Blog: Wool Sower Gall Wasp or Callirhytis Seminator Wasp

Currently Reading: Dread Nation by Justina Ireland

Copy of Dread Nation on my lap. Cover has a black woman with her hair braided, wearing a black dress, holding a bloody sickle in her left hand in front of a draped American flag. I bought my copy of this almost two years ago now if I remember correctly. I am getting better at … Continue reading Currently Reading: Dread Nation by Justina Ireland

Book Review: Robotic Ambitions (Apex Anthology) edited by Lesley Conner and Jason Sizemore

My copy of Robotic Ambitions. Cover shows one tall adult-like robot holding the hand of a smaller child-like robot who is carrying a makeshift umbrella as they walk down a city alleyway in the rain The Apex Anthologies are always such a treat and I just loved this one. There were so many different takes … Continue reading Book Review: Robotic Ambitions (Apex Anthology) edited by Lesley Conner and Jason Sizemore