Currently Reading: Dread Nation by Justina Ireland

Copy of Dread Nation on my lap. Cover has a black woman with her hair braided, wearing a black dress, holding a bloody sickle in her left hand in front of a draped American flag.

I bought my copy of this almost two years ago now if I remember correctly. I am getting better at reading the books I buy sooner, but there’s so many you guys. I wish reading my tbr pile could be my day job.

In usual fashion, I know very little about this book before jumping into it. I know it takes place during our just after the Civil War, but there are zombies now and things get all sorts of mixed up.

There’s also a sequel and a short story collection set in this same world which I’m sure I’m going to end up buying. My wallet is not going to like that.

I vaguely remember hearing a bunch of good stuff about this book so when I came across it at Barnes and Noble on one of those “buy one get one 50% sales” I jumped on it. It’s impossible to turn down good books at good prices.

I do wish I had got to this sooner, but I’m glad to finally be cracking it open and getting started.

Slán go fóill

Charlotte Tracey | Kofi

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